Monday, December 17, 2007

What Winter Brings

Scott reached to his left and, with a click, the lamp was off. Darkness filled the room at once and Scott closed his eyes. His mind slowly swam through the events of the day as he began to drift off into sleep.

Scott heard the wind pressing against the house. The nearby trees creaked as they swayed and knocked into each other. Bitterly cold air had been rushing in throughout the day. Scott fully expected a white landscape in the morning.

Sleep came at him in waves. As his mind was bobbing in and out of consciousness, Scott felt the sensation of being thrown upwards at the sound of a loud crash.

Scott flung the covers to the side and swung himself out of bed. With a squint, he looked from his bedroom window to find one of his largest trees laying on the ground. The fallen tree laid there like a victim who had become frozen with surprise.

© Jared Holt - 2007

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